Russell Game and Fish Gun Range Rules
General Rules
1. Everyone must read the range rules.
2. These simple rules are not negotiable. Breach of these rules can result in a suspension of one month of the
members Privileges and immediate removal from the range. The incident will be reviewed by the Russell Game
and Fish (RGAF) and may result in a continued suspension and/or membership being revoked.
3. This range is shared between shooters of rifle, shotgun, handgun and archery. Be respectful to each other.
4. For your safety, parts of the range are covered by video surveillance.
5. Range safety is a must for the RGAF shooting range to remain a safe place to shoot. All members share the
responsibility to enforce these rules. If you see a dangerous or prohibited activity taking place, speak to the
person involved. They may simply be unaware of the danger or the rule violation. A gentle reminder is often
6. If it is not possible to correct any safety or rule violation diplomatically, immediately notify the RSO (Range
Safety Officer) responsible or the RGAF with the date, time and any other descriptors.
7. Report any purposeful or accidental damage to club property to the RGAF.
8. No shooting will take place when Farmers or farm equipment are visible working to the east or west of the
9. Rifles should be brought to the range in a case.
10. Restricted weapons must follow case laws and have documentation with them at all times.
11. Saskatchewan residents must get a separate Authorization To Transport permit from their province to bring
restricted guns into Manitoba. Non-restricted does not need anything extra.
12. Do not handle anyone else’s firearm without their approval.
13. No person under the age of 18 years will be allowed on the shooting range unless under direct supervision of a
responsible adult.
14. All members and guests must sign the range log book when they visit the range.
15. Place your guest range use fee with their name in an envelope then into the steel box by the sign in sheet.
16. Hours of operation are Monday-Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. or half hour before sunset, whichever comes
first, or as posted. On Sundays and stat holidays, shooting may only commence at noon until 5 p.m. or 1 hour
before sunset or whichever comes first. These times are posted at the gate and shall be considered to be the
operational times. Check the calendar on the Facebook page for scheduled days, hours of operation and events.
It is mandatory to check the posted times on the Range gate.
17. Trespassers will be subject to prosecution.
18. Range Safety Officer – The first person arriving at an unoccupied range is deemed to be the designated RSO and
is required to perform all the functions to operate safely. Upon leaving the range, he will designate a person to
assume RSO duties. If no one accepts the responsibilities, they will close the range down, including taking down
the range Flags.
19. Safety vests are available for the RSO.
20. The range is controlled by a red flag – if it is up, the range is in use.
21. Alcohol or Controlled Substances are not permitted on the range.
22. Any person deemed by the RSO to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted to shoot.
23. Group matches, clinics and events must be approved by the RGAF.
24. Spectators must stand back from the firing line.
25. If you bring along pets, keep them on leashes or under control at all times. Clean up after them. Give careful
consideration to bringing a pet to a shooting range. Remember that shooting may hurt your pets hearing the
same way it may hurt yours. Be aware that pets not used to gunfire might panic on a range.
26. List of prohibited ordnances and ammunition types
o Tracer rounds
o Armor piercing rounds
o Exploding rounds
o Incendiary rounds
o Flares or smoke
27. Visitors may not use the range facilities accept as guests of a member or when attending an Invitational shoot or
as a guest of the club when authorized by a Club officer.
28. Members are not permitted to loan out there shooting range key to non-members. If a member loans out the
shooting range key to a non-member, the membership may be revoked. There will be no refund of membership
fees in such instances.
29. Live fire shooting is normally limited to the following equipment:
• Rifle smaller than 50 caliber. Pistols and shotguns of any caliber or gauge, black powder rifles to 84 caliber
• 50 caliber Centerfire rifles may only be used under the strict guidance of the RGAF and the CFO and usually only
during special events.
Safety rules
The following Safety Rules apply at all ranges at all times. Live fire shooters will:
1. Ensure the range flag is displayed on the firing line
2. Always assume every firearm is loaded until you can see that it is not.
3. Fire only authorized firearms and ammunition.
4. Fire at authorized target types only. Never shoot a Target stands, props, cans, bottles, or anything that may
cause dangerous debris or bullet ricochets.
5. No horseplay, careless handling of firearms, nor any other distraction while shooting is in progress.
6. Ensure all projectiles impact within the established range safety limits as established during Orientation.
7. Always keep your firearm’s muzzle pointed in a safe direction, usually downrange.
8. Be sure your firearm is mechanically safe to operate.
9. Firearms requiring maintenance shall be removed from the firing line to a safety area
10. Keep your firearm unloaded with the action open (if possible) until you are ready and it is safe to shoot.
11. Only load your firearm at the firing line.
12. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
13. Always know where your bullet will hit and where it should stop.
14. Fire only from a shooting bench or directly at the firing line.
15. Handguns must be shot within 50 meters of the main backstop.
16. When you are not currently shooting, stay behind the muzzles of all firearms in use.
17. Firearms may NEVER be discharged at any time or on any range in front of the designated firing line.
18. Call “Cease Fire” and make safe all firearms before a shooter moves forward of the firing line, or if you observe
any unsafe condition.
19. Call “Cease Fire” if a firing line becomes staggered (one shooter forward of another) anywhere on the range
20. Upon hearing the “Cease Fire” order, all shooters will unload their firearms, lay their firearms down, leaving the
actions facing up and opened. Shooters will step to the rear of their firearm, at least one meter.
21. Call “Cease Fire” if any wildlife enters the range. Resume firing only when the wildlife has left the area.
22. Use appropriate eye and ear protection. It is recommended for younger shooters that double protection be used
on any range.
23. Clean up all brass, paper, and other debris that accumulates on the range. Dispose of them in the proper
containers provided.
24. DO NOT walk on the berms. When setting up targets, walk behind the stop butts.
25. Ensure that you do not fire into the berms in front of targets. This dislodges the dirt, exposing a possible ricochet
26. All firearms must remain unloaded with actions open and racked except when on the firing line and authorized
to be loaded.
27. DO NOT handle any firearms while other shooters are downrange or forward of firing points. All firearms must
be made safe.
28. Personally make sure that every shooter using the range understands that the firing line has been cleared before
moving downrange.
29. Before calling the firing line “active” again, personally verify that each shooter knows that the line is going
30. You’re shooting position should be lined up with your target so that you shoot straight down the range. Shooting
diagonally across range is prohibited.
31. Be considerate of other Shooters on the Range allow for appropriate target set up for all Shooters.
32. Keep your projectiles within the confines of the range.
33. Clean up your targets when you finish shooting.
34. Do not damage any of the equipment on the Range especially the target frames. Please notify RGAF of any
damages so it can be repaired.
35. Clean up your firing area leave it at least as clean as you found it.
36. In case of emergency, dial 911
Rules for carrying Holstered Firearms
1. Holsters can be used on the range. Members are encouraged to take an appropriate safety course for your
particular discipline, covering the safe use of a holster.
2. Only holsters that are attached to your belt on the left or right side of your body are permitted. Cross-draw and
shoulder holsters are not permitted.
3. A holster may be worn for practice or sanctioned events.
4. It is recommended that handguns not be left unguarded on the range tables at any time.
5. The handgun can only be LOADED at the firing line when the range is “active”.
6. Only after the handgun is cleared and hammer dropped can the handgun be holstered before the shooter(s)
move forward to check their targets.
7. Holstered handguns are to be shown clear and holstered on the command of the RSO.
8. Holstered unloaded handguns are permitted anywhere on the range.
Acceptable targets and positioning
1. Paper targets are the only thing acceptable for centerfire rifles to shoot at on the range.
2. Centerfire rifles, handgun or rim fire are not permitted to shoot at metal targets. This will eliminate the chance
of ricochets. These rules will change in time
3. Exploding targets of any kind will not be allowed to be used on the Range.
4. If archery targets are out, do not shoot them with anything but archery/crossbow equipment.
Trap Shooting
1. Slugs are not permitted during trap shooting.
2. The automatic trap equipment will be available for use when the ranges are occupied by authorized Club
personnel or if you have been trained to use them.
3. Shoot only from the designated shooting stations.
4. Clean up your spent hulls when you are finished.
5. You may retrieve your empty hulls, provided this does not unnecessarily delay other shooters or create an
unsafe situation.
6. Keep your muzzle pointed in a safe direction, preferably pointed at the ground. Do not carry in a manner where
your barrel sweeps other people.
7. Place your shotgun in the rack or in its case when not in use.
8. Keep your shotgun open and unloaded at all times except when you are on a firing station preparing to shoot.
9. When the trap machines are to be filled, a red flag will be displayed on the field near the trap house. While this
flag is displayed, immediately cease firing, open the action, remove the shells and place it in the rack.
10. While personnel are in the trap houses, you may not point your shotgun downrange.
11. No one except authorized personnel may make adjustments to the trap machines or enter the trap house
except when requested by authorized personnel.
12. You may pattern your shotguns using a garbage bag and the shotgun frame.
1. Check arrows for cracks, loose vanes, bends, broken nocks or any condition that may cause the arrow to fly
erratically or to rupture when released. Serious injuries can be avoided by taking the time to inspect for
2. Check bows for frayed strings, loose pulleys, warped limbs, cracks or other damage that may result in breakage
when at full draw.
3. Shoot only those arrows that have been matched to the shooter’s draw length and have spines matched to the
bow’s draw weight.
4. Never dry fire a bow. The resistance of an arrow is needed to prevent damage to the bow limbs.
5. Broad head arrows should not be used for basic practice unless shooting at an approved target.
6. Never carry broad head arrows with the razor tips unsheathed.
Children at the range
1. All children brought to the range must be under the supervision and control of an adult at all times.
2. All children must have adequate hearing protection or be far enough from the shooting so as not to be affected
by the loud noise. The safe distance without hearing protection is 50 metres.
3. All children must be kept well back of the firing line when shooting is going on so as not to cause a distraction to
people handling loaded firearms or in the process of shooting.
4. Children shooting at the range must be under full supervision. The parent/guardian must properly educate them
on gun safety and etiquette. This is a safe and excellent place for them to improve their shooting skills.
5. During the cease fire, children may go downrange with their parent/guardian to view or reset targets etc.,
however they must be under the full supervision of an adult.
These rules are subject to change anytime by the Russell Game and Fish.
Have a safe and enjoyable time at our range
Membership fees are used to support conservation and education programs for youth and adults.
Membership benefits:
- Subscription to Outdoor Canada West Magazine, published bi-monthly
- 10% discount on Mark’s Work Warehouse
- 50% OFF replacement Hunters Safety cards
- A voice in the progressive management of Manitoba’s natural resources
- Manitoba Wildlife Federation sticker.
Insurance Coverage Included in your Membership:
- $3 Million Primary Personal Liability Insurance Coverage
- $10,000 Blanket Accident Insurance Specifically designed for our members
- Once the MWF receives your membership fees, coverage beings and will continue until membership expires or is cancelled